Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New jammies for L.

Back around Christmas I went shopping at JoAnn's with my Mom and picked up Butterick 4910 to make the girls some pj's for the Spring. Finally yesterday I got started and finished up L.'s today. I had her pick out which pj's she wanted and she picked View D. I didn't like the long sleeves for some reason so I used the sleeves from View A. Anyways, she is quite happy with her new pj's and in fact, it almost looks like a wearable dress that I'm going to make her some summery dresses here shortly.

Butterick 4910

Butterick 4910

(And because I'm getting much better at my hems)
Butterick 4910 - hem

The only problem that I had was getting the sleeves correct. I swear I worked more on the sleeves than I did for the whole entire dress (that includes cutting out the pattern). But I'm extremely happy with how it all came out and so is L.

L. loves her new jammies

Butterick 4910 - collar detail

The fabric is some that my Mom got a while ago from JoAnn's with (very good intentions intentions) of making K. something but then her sewing machine broke. So, she gave it to me when I took up sewing (a few years ago) and that is what L. picked out for the fabric.
Now, being that I'm a ditz sometimes (and also use to Simplicity patterns), I didn't realize that the pattern sizing was for sizes 2 through 5. So now I have to find a pj pattern for K.


Anonymous said...

That's beautiful!! Okay, I can see that it's time for me to get out my sewing machine too.


Angie said...

Thank you! She wore them all day that day and then to bed. They have been washed and now she has them on again this evening for bed. I was in my sewing room today and she came in, grabbed the pattern envelope and said, I want this one in this fabric. So, I guess it's safe to say that she does indeed love them.

alittlebitofscrap said...

ok, those are adorable! Love it. I've been wanting to make some jammies for my niece and nephew, but they like the ones with feet in them, and there is no way I really want to make any of those. The pink looks very pretty on her :)

Angie said...

Thank you lisa! I'm thinking of changing it up a bit, adding trim, buttons, etc. and making some summer dresses for her. She does really like them (which makes me feel good).

And yes, I would love to make her some footie jammies for the winter (she hates wearing socks to bed, as do I) but I don't think I'm ready to tackle that yet. Especially since I've never done a zipper. I do believe that Simplicity has some patterns for footie jammies, depending on the age/size of your niece and nephew.