Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Doesn't look like were in Kansas anymore Toto!


We made it! We are 90% moved in and still have just a few things up at the old house and need to still clean the old house. I tell ya, I am NEVER moving ever again, and if I by some chance have to moved again, I will only take what James, me, and the girls can carry. THAT'S IT! You never realize how much stuff you have until you say "Hey, let's move." Ridiculous I tell ya. So, I have now made a pact with myself to start living my life minimalistic. Not sure if that's a word or not but it is to me now.

All in all though everything went fine. Only a few doors had to be taken off to get our fridge out of our old house. Luckily though, I wasn't one of the ones that had to move it. I got easy stuff like boxes and clothes and the girls bedding and other what not. My arms are sore and I'm completely exhausted! I want this month to be over which is ironic because October is one of my favorite months here in Ohio. Although, to make up for it, the road we take now to get to our new house is a beautiful (almost) country road and is lined with the gorgeous colors of Fall.

I did manage to get a few pictures along the way of us slowly moving in and unpacking. The living room after everything was dropped off here. It doesn't look like this now and if you notice that there is no furniture, well, that's because James surprised me with new furniture that will be here Friday. I personally think he just didn't want to move anymore of the big stuff. But I'll be just fine with my new furniture. Although I am going to miss my old leather rocking recliner.

Living room

And a nice night time shot of the kitchen. I guess you would call it a galley style kitchen. It's bigger than our old kitchen.
I'm standing where our kitchen table is.

It's an old home, a good home. One that will be filled with lots of great memories. Filled with laughter and lots of love.

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